Used search strings:
-Google Scholar: (hippotherapy OR (therapeutic riding)) AND (speech OR (speech therapy) OR (speech pathology))
-Pubmed: (hippotherapy[Title/Abstract] OR therapeutic riding[Title/Abstract]) AND (speech[Title/Abstract] OR language[Title/Abstract] OR communication[Title/Abstract])
- Gabriels, Robin L., et al. "Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder." Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 54.7 (2015): 541-549.
- Thrall, Anna, and Matthew Moser. "Effects of hippotherapy on coordination of speech in a person with traumatic brain injury." (2015).
- Mourey, Alyssa. The benefits of therapeutic horseback riding on the expressive language of toddlers who present with delays. Diss. 2015.
- Mykhaylov, B. V., et al. "Application of animal-assisted therapy in children with autism spectrum disorders." Психіатрія, неврологія та медична психологія3.1 (5) (2016).
- Maber-Aleksandrowicz, Sarah, Cerian Avent, and Angela Hassiotis. "A Systematic Review of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Psychosocial Outcomes in People with Intellectual Disability." Research in developmental disabilities 49 (2016): 322-338.
- Anderson, Sophie, and Kerstin Meints. "Brief report: The effects of equine-assisted activities on the social functioning in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders46.10 (2016): 3344-3352.
- Hsieh, Yueh-Ling, et al. "Effects of hippotherapy on body functions, activities and participation in children with cerebral palsy based on ICF-CY assessments." Disability and Rehabilitation (2016): 1-11.